►NH5Easy | |
►Ndetail | |
Cio_impl | |
Cio_impl< T, typename std::enable_if< is_vector< T >::value >::type > | |
Cis_vector | |
Cis_vector< std::vector< T > > | |
CCompression | Set compression level for written DataSets |
CDumpOptions | Options for dumping data |
►NHighFive | |
►Ndetails | |
Carray_dims | |
Carray_dims< FixedLenStringArray< N > > | |
Carray_dims< std::array< T, N > > | |
Carray_dims< std::vector< T > > | |
Carray_dims< T * > | |
Carray_dims< T[N]> | |
CBufferInfo | |
Ccontainer_converter | |
Cdata_converter | |
Cdata_converter< CArray, typename std::enable_if<(is_c_array< CArray >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< FixedLenStringArray< N >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::array< T, S >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename type_of_array< T >::type >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< std::string, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N > >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< Reference >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< std::string >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(is_container< T >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename type_of_array< T >::type >::value &&!std::is_same< T, Reference >::value)>::type > | |
CHighFiveIterateData | |
Cis_c_array | |
Cis_c_array< T * > | |
Cis_c_array< T[N]> | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container< std::vector< T > > | |
Cstring_type_checker | |
Cstring_type_checker< char * > | |
Cstring_type_checker< char[FixedLen]> | |
Cstring_type_checker< void > | |
Ctype_char_array | |
Ctype_char_array< T * > | |
Ctype_char_array< T[N]> | |
Ctype_of_array | |
Ctype_of_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Ctype_of_array< std::vector< T > > | |
Ctype_of_array< T * > | |
Ctype_of_array< T[N]> | |
CAnnotateTraits | |
CAtomicType | Create an HDF5 DataType from a C++ type |
CAtomicType< char[StrLen]> | |
CAtomicType< FixedLenStringArray< StrLen > > | |
CAttribute | Class representing an attribute of a dataset or group |
CAttributeException | Exception specific to HighFive Attribute interface |
CCaching | |
CChunking | |
►CCompoundType | Create a compound HDF5 datatype |
Cmember_def | Use for defining a sub-type of compound type |
CDataSet | Class representing a dataset |
CDataSetException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSet interface |
CDataSpace | Class representing the space (dimensions) of a dataset |
CDataSpaceException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSpace interface |
CDataType | HDF5 Data Type |
CDataTypeException | Exception specific to HighFive DataType interface |
CDeflate | |
CElementSet | |
►CEnumType | Create a enum HDF5 datatype |
Cmember_def | Use for defining a member of enum type |
CException | Basic HighFive Exception class |
CFile | File class |
CFileDriver | File driver base concept |
CFileException | Exception specific to HighFive File interface |
CFixedLenStringArray | A structure representing a set of fixed-length strings |
CGroup | Represents an hdf5 group |
CGroupException | Exception specific to HighFive Group interface |
CHDF5ErrMapper | |
CMPIOFileDriver | MPIIO Driver for Parallel HDF5 |
CNodeTraits | NodeTraits: Base class for Group and File |
CObject | |
CObjectException | Exception specific to HighFive Object interface |
CObjectInfo | A class for accessing hdf5 objects info |
CPropertyException | Exception specific to HighFive Property interface |
CPropertyList | Base HDF5 property List |
CRawPropertyList | |
CReference | An HDF5 (object) reference type |
CReferenceException | Exception specific to HighFive Reference interface |
CSelection | Selection: represent a view on a slice/part of a dataset |
CShuffle | |
CSilenceHDF5 | Utility class to disable HDF5 stack printing inside a scope |
CSliceTraits | |
►Nhops | |
►Ninternal | |
CAcceptanceRateTarget | |
CCsvWriterImpl | |
CExpectedSquaredJumpDistanceTarget | |
CThompsonSamplingTarget | |
CAcceptanceRateRecorder | |
►CAcceptanceRateTuner | |
Cparam_type | |
CAdaptiveMetropolisProposal | |
CBallWalkProposal | |
►CBinarySearchAcceptanceRateTuner | Deprecated as there are issues due to the uncertainty in estimating acceptance rates |
Cparam_type | |
CChainData | |
CColdness | Mixin that adds coldness to model evaluations |
CCoordinateHitAndRunProposal | |
CCSmMALAProposal | |
CCsvReader | |
CCsvWriter | |
CData | |
CDegenerateMultivariateGaussian | |
CDikinEllipsoidCalculator | |
CDikinProposal | |
CDNest4Adapter | |
CDNest4EnvironmentSingleton | |
CEmptyChainDataException | |
CException | |
►CExpectedSquaredJumpDistanceTuner | |
Cparam_type | |
CFileWriter | |
CFileWriterFactory | |
CFullGammaModel | |
CGammaModel1 | |
CGammaModel2 | |
CGaussianProcess | |
CGaussianProposal | |
CGaussianStepDistribution | |
CGurobiEnvironmentSingleton | |
CHdf5Reader | |
CHdf5Writer | Warning: This writer can not append to existing datasets |
CHitAndRunProposal | |
CIsAcceptProposalAvailable | |
CIsAcceptProposalAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().acceptProposal())> > | |
CIsAddMessageAvailable | |
CIsAddMessageAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().addMessage(std::declval< const std::string & >()))> > | |
CIsCalculateLogAcceptanceProbabilityAvailable | |
CIsCalculateLogAcceptanceProbabilityAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().computeLogAcceptanceProbability())> > | |
CIsClearRecordsAvailable | |
CIsClearRecordsAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().clearRecords())> > | |
CIsGetColdnessAvailable | |
CIsGetColdnessAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().getColdness())> > | |
CIsGetExchangeAttemptProbabilityAvailable | |
CIsGetExchangeAttemptProbabilityAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().getExchangeAttemptProbability())> > | |
CIsGetStepSizeAvailable | |
CIsGetStepSizeAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().getStepSize())> > | |
CIsInstallDataObjectAvailable | |
CIsInstallDataObjectAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().installDataObject(std::declval< ChainData & >()))> > | |
CIsResetAcceptanceRateAvailable | |
CIsResetAcceptanceRateAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().resetAcceptanceRate())> > | |
CIsSetColdnessAvailable | |
CIsSetColdnessAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().setColdness(std::declval< double >()))> > | |
CIsSetExchangeAttemptProbabilityAvailable | |
CIsSetExchangeAttemptProbabilityAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().setExchangeAttemptProbability(std::declval< double >()))> > | |
CIsSetFisherWeightAvailable | |
CIsSetFisherWeightAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().setFisherWeight(std::declval< double >()))> > | |
CIsSetStepSizeAvailable | |
CIsSetStepSizeAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().setStepSize(std::declval< double >()))> > | |
CIsStoreRecordAvailable | |
CIsStoreRecordAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().storeRecord())> > | |
CIsWriteRecordsToFileAvailable | |
CIsWriteRecordsToFileAvailable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().writeRecordsToFile(std::declval< const FileWriter * >()))> > | |
CLinearProgram | |
CLinearProgramClpImpl | |
CLinearProgramFactory | |
CLinearProgramGurobiImpl | |
CLinearProgramSolution | |
CMarkovChainAdapter | |
CMarkovChainFactory | |
CMarkovChainInterface | |
CMaximumVolumeEllipsoid | [Deprectated] Use PolyRound (https://gitlab.com/csb.ethz/PolyRound) for effective and efficient rounding |
CMessageRecorder | |
CMetropolisHastingsFilter | |
CMinimalGammaModel | |
CMissingStartingPointsException | |
CMixture | |
CModel | |
CModelMixin | ModelMixin Mixin to add model likelihood to computeLogAcceptanceRate() |
CModelWrapper | |
CMpiInitializerFinalizer | |
CMultivariateGaussian | |
CNegativeLogLikelihoodRecorder | |
CNoOpDrawAdapter | |
CNoProblemProvidedException | |
CNoProposal | |
CParallelTempering | Mixin for adding parallel tempering to Markov chains. Requires MPI |
CProblem | |
CReversibleJumpProposal | |
CRosenbrock | Multi-dimensional extension of rosenbrock function to N dimensions. Only defined on spaces of even N! |
CRunBase | |
CSbmlModel | |
CSbmlReader | |
►CSimpleExpectedSquaredJumpDistanceTuner | |
Cparam_type | |
CSimplexFactory | Factory for creating simplices |
CSquaredExponentialKernel | |
CStateRecorder | |
CStateTransformation | Mixin for undoing transformations to the Markov chain state |
CThompsonSampling | |
CTimestampRecorder | |
CTransformation | |
►CTruncatedNormalDistribution | Truncated normal distribution with mean 0 |
Cparam_type | |
CUniformBallKernel | |
CUniformStepDistribution | |
CUninitializedDataFieldException | |
CZeroKernel | |
►Npcg_detail | |
Cdefault_increment | |
Cdefault_multiplier | |
►Cengine | |
Ccan_specify_stream_tag | |
Cno_specifiable_stream_tag | |
Cextended | |
Chalfsize_trait | |
Chalfsize_trait< pcg128_t > | |
Chalfsize_trait< uint16_t > | |
Chalfsize_trait< uint32_t > | |
Chalfsize_trait< uint64_t > | |
Cinside_out | |
Cmcg_multiplier | |
Cmcg_unmultiplier | |
Cno_stream | |
Coneseq_stream | |
Crxs_m_mixin | |
Crxs_m_xs_mixin | |
Crxs_mixin | |
Cspecific_stream | |
Cxsh_mixin | |
Cxsh_rr_mixin | |
Cxsh_rs_mixin | |
Cxsl_mixin | |
Cxsl_rr_mixin | |
Cxsl_rr_rr_mixin | |
►Npcg_extras | |
Cseed_seq_from | |
Cstatic_arbitrary_seed | |
Cuint_x4 | |
CContentGenerate | |
CContentGenerate< char > | |
CContentGenerate< std::string > | |
Ccsl | |
CCSL1 | |
CCSL2 | |
CMpiFixture | |