The **H**ighly **O**ptimized **P**olytope **S**ampling toolbox is an open-source C++17 library for efficient and scalable MCMC algorithms for sampling convex-constrained spaces possibly equipped with arbitrary target functions.
For details and benchmarks see the application note https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa872. Test data from the application note is downloadable at https://doi.org/10.26165/JUELICH-DATA/YXLFKJ.
Documentation, interactive demos and further resources can be found at https://modsim.github.io/hops/.
HOPS contains git submodules that point to third-party libraries. For this reason, HOPS should be fetched recursively:
HOPS uses CMake as build system.
See the Dockerfile for a demonstration on installing HOPS and its dependencies on Ubuntu 20.4.
Python interface is available at https://github.com/modsim/hopsy.
Option Name | Default | Description |
HOPS_HDF5_SUPPORT | OFF | Enables HDF5 support with HighFive. Use -DHOPS_BENCHMARKS=ON to enable. |
HOPS_BENCHMARKS | OFF | Enables compilation of Benchmarks (Requires Celero). Use -DHOPS_BENCHMARKS=ON to enable. |
HOPS_DOCS | ON | Enables generation of documentation. Use -DHOPS_DOCS=OFF to disable. |
HOPS_BINARIES | ON | Enables compilation of hops executables. Use -DHOPS_EXAMPLES=OFF to disable. |
HOPS_TESTS | ON | Enables compilation of unit tests. Use -DHOPS_TESTS=OFF to disable. |
HOPS_LIBRARY_TYPE | SHARED | Type of library to build. Options are STATIC, SHARED or HEADER_ONLY (deprecated) |
Use an IDE (e.g. CLion) to parse the project and its CMakeLists.txt.
See the examples directory for demonstrations on how to use the library.
If you run into trouble finding CLP on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu 20.04), try extending the cmake prefix path:
git lfs pull