By default, hopsy stores samples and meta data in memory. For small sampling problems, this is usually fine. However, when sampling large problems that have high dimension and require a lot of samples, memory can become a problem. Therefore, saving data in memory can be turned off. In these cases, samples and meta data can be saved using a callback. For convenience, hopsy has already implemented a callback for mcbackend
, which offers multiple storage backends like Clickhouse databases.
import hopsy
import mcbackend
import clickhouse_driver
import hagelkorn
import numpy as np
import arviz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Setting up Clickhouse#
Clickhouse is a fast database, perfect for storing mcmc samples on the fly. hopsy can directly write samples to a clickhouse database. In order to run this example a clickhouse server is required. In order to quickly set up a server for testing purposes, two commands are required.
# curl | sh
# clickhouse server # starts server blocking ports 8123 and 9000 by default
Caution: This way of running clickhouse is only for testing. For production settings, please follow the clickhouse docs in order to set up a robust environment
Establish connection to the database server and create a database to store samples. Then establish a connection to that database to be used during sampling.
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_PASS = ""
DB_PORT = "9000"
DB_KWARGS = dict(host=DB_HOST, port=DB_PORT, password=DB_PASS)
client_main = clickhouse_driver.Client(**DB_KWARGS)
db_name = f"testing_{hagelkorn.random()}"
client_main.execute(f"CREATE DATABASE {db_name};")
client_sampler = clickhouse_driver.Client(**DB_KWARGS, database=db_name)
Using mcbackend
, create a callback that hopsy passes samples and metadata into.
backend = mcbackend.clickhouse.ClickHouseBackend(client_sampler)
callback = hopsy.MCBackendCallback(backend)
Backend run id: 6Y5DH7
Sample a simple 3-dimensional Gaussian target. Notice that the callback is passed as callback=callback
A, b = [[1, 1, 1], [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], [1, 0, 0, 0]
model = hopsy.Gaussian(mean=[0, 0, 0])
problem = hopsy.Problem(A, b, model)
n_chains = 4
n_samples = 500
chains = [
hopsy.MarkovChain(problem, hopsy.GaussianProposal, starting_point=[0, 0, 0])
for _ in range(n_chains)
for chain in chains:
chain.proposal.stepsize = 0.2
rngs = [hopsy.RandomNumberGenerator(seed=42, stream=i) for i in range(n_chains)]
result = hopsy.sample(
Due to in_memory=False
, samples and metadata are not stored in memory.
assert result is None
Retrieve samples from the database by using the mcbackend.clickhouse.ClickhouseBackend
samples = np.zeros((n_chains, n_samples, 3))
metadata = []
for chain_idx in range(4):
run = backend.get_run(callback.run_id)
for i in range(n_chains):
chain = run.get_chains()[i]
chain_metadata = []
for j in range(3):
samples[i, :, j] = chain.get_draws(f"variable_{j}")
Compute acceptance rates and plot resulting posterior distribution:
hopsy.rhat(samples), hopsy.ess(samples)
(array([[1.00624689, 1.00092455, 1.00055598]]),
array([[860.58608515, 803.39300557, 880.30937015]]))
arviz.plot_pair(arviz.dict_to_dataset({f"x{i}": samples[:,:,i].flatten() for i in range(3)}), kind="kde", marginals=True)

Remove testing database and close connections.
client_main.execute(f"DROP DATABASE {db_name}")
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